Tuesday, April 5, 2011

its plain and simple

it is amazing how i am feeling crappy one week and feeling the total opposite the next. today was fantastic, and i am just simply feeling good.
i slept in a bit, so it started off good
i had a pretty yummy breakfast
it was warm so i got to wear my super stylin sandels
we played a game in seminary and my team won, and who are we kidding, it was all because of me
also i won a bet between friends, someone owes me something incredible from the D.I
history was as funny as it usually is, and i got to go to a super secret place in the school, even though  it was breaking the rules
we had a lab in sports med that was actually kinda fun, and it was way better than taking notes
i got a 104/100 on mi examen de espanol
the history review was canceled, and you know what that means NO CARPOOL!
and it felt so good outside, i was acutally able to roll down my window.
there is no comparison between last week and this week so far.  i am just am happy today, plain and simple.


  1. i wonder what my mom would do if we just didn't show up to carpool anymore.
    probably kill me.
    i think it would be worth it.

  2. Hey haley! i'm gonna stalk your blog now... :]
